Profit & Loss Forecasts - Budgets
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View the Demonstration Video (27 mins)


·       Financial Forecasts and Budgets can be performed at any time up to 24 months ahead using a selection of consistent methodologies with a variety of running rate timeframes so only historical data is used as the preliminary basis for the forecasted figures. This means that the last forecasts will always be overwritten by the latest data but will still show on the Summary Reports comparisons to the Last Forecasts

·       The model will show monthly and cumulative figures

·       There is the capacity to separately show up to 5 Sections of a Business Unit and their consolidated figures

·       Chart of Accounts Line items can be added or taken out at any time and there is a maximum of 161 Line items

·       Be able to apply up to 6 different Forecasting methods based on historical figures individually to each Chart of Accounts Line item and be able to change between these methods at any time


Features (cont.)

·       Be able to adjust the historical figures for one off items or reporting omissions to arrive at intended base figures for the forecasts and/or adjust any final calculated forecasts as desired

·       Be able to apply different Forecasting methods for the Current Year and the Following Year

·       Be able to apply different Growth rates across each Section of the Business Unit for each Year and be able to change them as required

·       Be able to apply up to 5 different Phasing options for each Chart of Accounts Line item, and be able to change between them at any time. This includes an option where set percentages for each month of each year can be nominated by line item

·       The model includes various Summary Reports comparing the 2 Years to each other as well as comparing to the Last Forecasts

·     A macro will clear the Period data in readiness for each new forecast

·       Data only needs to be updated in the Periods when a new forecast is required to be done

·       The model is time effective compared to more detailed approaches so is thereby well suited to the frequency of most Forecasting processes in businesses. This also allows for it to serve as an alternative option for the more formalised and longer annual Budget process should that process be stalled for any reason



Extracts from the Model (4)


Setup Pages






Current Year Summary to Last Forecast



Section A Data


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